Games Development - Final Project

15.04.20 - 26.07.20 (Week 1 - Week 15)
Tamara Audrey Saputra (0335846)
Games Development
Final Project


Final Project

Game Proposal

In our first week, we were told to come up with a game idea for our final project. I came up with this proposal which was inspired by a movie called Exit.

After sometimes, the mechanics of the game slowly changed because I realize it was too complicated.
The changes can be seen in the current Game Design Document (GDD).

Game Design Document

Level Designs

fig 1: Level 1 Design - Sketch

fig 2: Level 2 Design - Sketch

fig 3: Level 3 Design - Sketch

Creating Assets

After noting down all of the needed assets, I proceed to make the spritesheet and objects on Illustrator.

Character Design

fig 4: Character process

fig 5: Character process

fig 6: Character Spritesheet

fig 7: NPC Spritesheet

Environment Design

Below are the assets I created for the levels. It includes the obstacles, collectibles, background, decorations as well as the game's UI.

The visual themed of the game is inspired by the cyberpunk. Thus, the color chosen revolves around purple, teal, and pink. The set itself is an abandoned high-rise building.

fig 8: Objects Process

fig 9: Environment Process

fig 10: Obstacles Assets

fig 11: Collectibles Assets

fig 12: Stages Decorations
fig 13: Start Scene Environment

fig 14: End Scene Environment

UI Design

fig 15: Start Menu

Fig 16: Win Panel

Fig 17: Game Over Menu

Fig 18: Pause Menu

Fig 19: Control Instruction Panel

Coding in Unity

Level 1 - Level 3

I then import the assets into Unity and arrange the tiles one-by-one and wrap them with box collider to serve as the character's platform. After having the basic layout done, I proceed with adding the obstacles and the boxes/TV. When all the obstacles are already in its place, I will playtest it to make sure that it is do-able and see if anything can be further adjusted. This process repeats until I find that it is good enough.

At the same time, I also write the script and make sure that everything is working together and check if the conditions are correct or not.

After that, the collectibles are added to guide the player while in the level.

fig 20: Unity Level 1

fig 21: Unity Level 2

fig 22: Unity Level 3

The most time-consuming part of these scenes is checking if the Z-index of the tiles are 0 or not and also making sure that everything is on the correct sorting layer or not. It's a small task but can get really frustrating at times. 

While making it, I initially added the knockback effect when the player hits a spike but then it can get annoying when he bounces and accidentally hits another spike. Hence, I changed it so that when the player receives damage, he directly respawns at the closest checkpoint. I find that to be more fun when played.

On a side note, for the last level, I actually wanted to add an obstacle where an animation of gas will rise from the bottom of the level when the player reaches 1/3 of the level. However, due to time constraints, I decided to let go of that idea.

Starting Scene

This is the into of the game where the start menu and the prolog of the game take place. Player will be shown the controls of the game upon clicking START and when they approach the NPC, it will indirectly explain the context of the game and the main objective of it.

fig 23: Unity Start Scene

fig 24: Unity Start Scene

Ending Scene

This is the last scene where it gives closure to the story. As the objective of the game is to reach the rooftop to be rescued. The spotlight is the light coming from the evacuation helicopter. The NPC is the start is also placed here to give that story continuity and also acts as a bait so players will go under the spotlight. When the player reaches the spot, it will trigger the congratulation panel, and the game finishes.

fig 25: Unity End Scene

Character Movement

The most important part of this game is getting the character movement correct and feels right. Although it's far from perfect, here are the screenshots of the process behind it.

fig 26: Unity Character Movement

fig 27: Unity Character Movement

Adding Sound

The finishing touch of the game was to add the music and sound effects. I gathered free audio from several different sources and added them to the game.

fig 28: Sound List

For the last scene, I combined the sound of a helicopter and the main song to give an idea to the player that a helicopter is waiting for them without visually showing it as the composition doesn't feel right when added.



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