Advance Typography - Project 1

14.05.19 - 21.05.19 (Week 7 - Week 8)
Tamara Audrey Saputra (0335846)
Advanced Typography
Project 1 - The Troublemakers Manifesto (Key Artwork)


Lecture 7: Designing Type

14.05.19 (Week 7)

In today's class, several of our classmates presented a presentation regarding Designing Type. We then continued with our first project, Troublemakers Manifesto key artwork.

Lecture 8: -

21.05.19 (Week 8)

No lecture today. We continued with our key artwork and started developing our collateral.


Project 1 - The Troublemakers Manifesto (Key Artwork)

In this project, we were expected to create a key artwork of an upcoming conference called The Troublemakers Manifesto: A Design Colloquium. The key artwork will later be used across the collaterals. The collaterals range from:
  • Poster (Statistic and Animated)
  • Invite (Interactive)
  • T-shirt, Sticker, Pin Badge, etc
We were also provided the meaning behind The Troublemakers Manifesto: A Design Colloquium for us to refer to when brainstorming for the concept:

The conference seeks to provoke inner dialogue of one's beliefs and to create a new paradigm shift through alternative viewpoints.
Troublemakers often make others feel uncomfortable. They challenge the norm, they question establishments rules and the status quo. This tension is needed to break the monotony brought about by societal conformity to the diktats of those wielding influence. 

To most people, troublemakers are not a welcome lot but without their disruptive tendencies - creating ripples and ruffling feathers - unspoken ideas will not be made known, and innovations will not come to pass. 

Why do they do, what they do? What principles and values lie beneath their decisions and actions? Are you a troublemaker, if so what is your manifesto? 

Title & Key Artwork | Week 7 - 8

This week, we were expected to have our key artwork ready to show for feedback. The key artwork should be relevant and preferably a metaphor of the conference's title itself. Below are the attempts I've made.

fig 1.1: First Attempt

I felt that the monkey and the suits were more onto the political field instead of the creative industry. From there, I proceed to develop another key artwork. This time by incorporating a person with a gas mask, often used my many graffiti artists who are commonly associated as troublemakers due to how people perceived their artworks as a form of vandalism but forgetting that it also shouts ideas that are silenced. For example, Banksy. Meanwhile, the birds flying out from the figure's head represents the ideas that are freed.

Fig 1.2: Key Artwork Development

Feedback: Mr. Vinod then suggested me to add other small graphical elements. Hence, I decided to add a glitch effect to complement the vertical lines.

fig 1.3: Glitch effect added

Below is the final result of the key artwork.

fig 1.4: Final Result


Week 7

Specific Feedback: 
Mr. Vinod said I could continue to develop my initial key artwork and try to add the type interplay. He also reminded me that the 3 important aspects that should be depicted in the key artwork: the troublemaker, designers, and manifesto.

Week 8

Specific Feedback:
In my key artwork's initial attempts, Mr. Shamsul told me there weren't enough interplay and the background should preferably be left white. After viewing my other attempt, Mr. Shamsul said it's much better. Mr. Vinod also said that the typography of it is nice and I could add other small graphics elements to complement it. Meanwhile, for the poster, Mr. Vinod suggested to play more with the content placement instead of placing it all at the bottom as it overstabilized the composition. I was then suggested to proceed with my collateral design.



Week 7

It was rather hard to find the right metaphor for Project 1 assignment as it has to resemble 3 things: designer, troublemaker, and manifesto. Especially, when it comes to finding the right images we want from free stock images.

Week 8

Today's class was rather tiring as we have to continuously refine our key artwork just to get the desired outcome. By the end of the class, we all feel drained. 


Week 7

I realized that there are several objects (e.g fist, megaphone, etc) that are used a lot in the class, including myself, as they're highly associated with the theme of the troublemaker. This somehow makes me want to challenge myself to think of something else.

Week 8

I realized that balance is important when arranging the composition of the elements. Especially when choosing the colors between when to apply red or black without outdoing the other and cluttering the work.


Week 7

I found out that it takes time to find the right images to resemble the message of the Troublemakers Manifesto and it requires research and readings to get a better understanding of it. 

Week 8

I found out that small details matter as it greatly impacts the work a lot as a whole and makes the artwork more complete. This reminds me of a saying, "the devil is in the details"

Further Readings

Design/Type: A Seductive Collection of Alluring Type Designs

Chapter 1: Minimal

In this chapter, the author highlights the importance of keeping things simple but still maintaining that interesting layout. A concept that resonates greatly with the old saying "Less is More". A great designer Massimo Vignelli has a theory that we only need twelve good typefaces to create an intriguing layout. This has to do with minimizing our choice of type that might clutter the layout. The typefaces he refers to can be searched online for "Massimo Vignelli Twelve". Furthermore, this chapter also examines the aspects of an existing design. Below are some of it.


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