
Showing posts from April, 2019

Interactive Design - Project 1

18.04.19 - 25.07.19 (Week 3 - Week 4) Tamara Audrey Saputra (0335846) Interactive Design Project 1 Lectures Lecture 1: 18.04.19 (Week 3) In this class, Mr. Shamsul explained to us about the origin and of the web and the internet who invented it. We were also reminded about the importance of usability to all users. Including those who have color blindness/ visually impaired and hearing deficiency. Instruction Landing Page | Week 3 18.04.19 For our first project, we are expected to create a landing page for any person of our choice. I decided to create one for a local band called "The Overtunes". Target Audience:  Anyone who wants to know more about the band. Goal:  To get people to watch their new MV, stream their songs, and buy concert tickets. Since my website is about music artist. I decided to look up at Spotify and Bruno Mars website for visual reference and content. The followings are the sketches I made: The followings a

Design Research Methodology - Proposal

05.04.19 - 24.04.19 (Week 1 - Week 4) Tamara Audrey Saputra (0335846) Design Research Methodology Proposal Lecture Week 1 | 04.04.19 Week 2 | 11.04.19 Instruction Proposal Week 1 On our first class, we were told to find a topic of our interest and research about it. I consulted with Dr. Yati about how I'd like to do research about how art museums utilize immersive technology to create a certain experience. For example, TeamLab Borderless.   Feedback: Dr. Yati told me to research more about user experience and the immersiveness in physical space.  Week 2 After reading articles and surfing the internet about immersive technology, I decided to change the topic to the relationship between UX and Social Media Addiction.    Feedback:  Dr. Yati told me to avoid the social media addiction issue since the hope of this research to be able to create an output out of it and not just another social issue research. Week 3 I tried to search

Interactive Design - Exercises

05.04.19 - 02.07.19 (Week 1 - Week 14) Tamara Audrey Saputra (0335846) Interactive Design Exercises Lecture Lecture 1: Introduction to Interactive Design 04.04.19 (Week 1) On our first class, Mr. Shamsul introduced us to the MIB and what this module is about. He also briefed us about the software and framework we are going to use. Lecture 2: User Interface Design 11.04.19 (Week 2) In this class, we were explained how UI is different from UX and what should we keep in mind when it comes to designing for users. Instruction 6 Good & Bad Websites | Week 1 02.04.19 We are divided into several groups and are assigned a task to find 6 good & 6 bad websites from  and . The judgment must be made based on the usability, accessibility, layout as well as the visual aesthetic of it. Good Websites Fig 1.1: h ttps:// Fig 1.2: h ttps://

Video & Sound Production - Exercises

05.04.19 - 02.07.19 (Week 1 - Week 14) Tamara Audrey Saputra (0335846) Video and Sound Production Exercises Instruction Exercises Stop-motion Video Review |  05.04.19 (Week 1) Mr. Martin asked us to find 3 stop motion video online. Hence, here are some of the videos I found interesting on Youtube. 1. Lost & Media - Andrew Goldsmith& Bradley Slabe What makes this video interesting is because even though the plot is simple yet towards the end it leaves you with a heart-warming feeling. It seems that the lighting, as well as the color grading, adds onto the overall experience. I also liked how smooth the movements of the figures are. 2. Distortion - Guldies In this video, I liked how they added the sound effect that's contradictory to what the actual material is, yet it's pleasing to the ears and believable. The whole shape changing transitions are very satisfying to watch due to how smooth it is as well as the sound effects of it.  Moreo