Typography - Final Project

7.11.18 - 27.11.18 (Week 11 - Week 13)
Tamara Audrey Saputra (0335846)
Final Project - Social Message Poster (Expression, Hierarchy, and Composition)


Lecture 11: -

7.11.18 (Week 11)

No lecture this week (E-learning Week).

Lecture 12: -

14.11.18 (Week 12)

No lecture, we proceed with our final project.

Lecture 13: -

21.11.18 (Week 13)

No lecture, we proceed with our final project.


Final Project

Social Message Poster (Expression, Hierarchy, and Composition)

(Week 11 - Week 13)

Creating the Poster

For our final project, we have to create a poster that speaks about social issues that are occurring within Taylor's campus. The outcome should be in an A3 paper size and the message should at least fill 3/4 of the poster with a minimal graphics element and the color can only consist of only white, black, and one other color.

I decided that I want to bring up about the plastic usage problem and its effect on our planet. Since it is a very alarming issue in today's world.

First, I gather up the slogan that I may use for the poster as we are advised to do that. I landed on this magazine cover of National Geographic which has a catchy phrase: "Planet or Plastic?". Hence, I decided to make that as my tagline.

fig 1: NatGeo Tagline

The following images are my early attempts:

fig 2: 1st Attempt

fig 3: 2nd Attempt

fig 4: 3rd attempt

I then decided that I want to make another type of poster design which is based on a color reference that I found on Pinterest

fig 5: Color Reference

Here, I masked text regarding plastic pollution into a plastic bag shape in order to give texture to it. 

fig 6: 4th Attempt

fig 7: 5th Attempt

When I asked for feedback from Mr. Vinod via Facebook, he said that (fig 6) is a better option and I should make more variations of it.

However, when in class, he said that the design is sleek but it lacks idea. Later on, he gave me an idea and sketched it out. I then proceed to explore more based on the sketch. The underlying message conveys about how the planet is suffocating with plastic trashes. This is symbolized by a large amount of plastic bags that are placed in a cramped manner.

fig 8: 6th Attempt

Mr. Vinod and Mr. Shamsul suggested that the plastic should be either the whole page or on the bottom to emphasize the message.

fig 9: 7th Attempt

fig 10: 8th Attempt

In the end, I decided to place the plastics in the bottom as it's somehow more dynamic and more readable.

Creating the Animation

We then have to animate the poster. I decided to do a simple one using Photoshop and create a gif out of it. 
fig 11: Animation Artboard

The following is the first attempt. However, I find the stacks of plastic are too slow and the animation of the bottle falling down doesn't look right.

fig 12: 1st Attempt

On the second attempt, I still feel that the pace is still not right yet.

fig 13: 2nd Attempt

The final outcome is as the following. I speed up the stacking of the plastics and give a bit of pause at the very end when it reaches the top to create that tension when the bottle falls. I decided to speed up the stacking to portray how fast we humans accumulate trash on this planet. 

fig 14: 4th Attempt


Week 11

No feedback during E-learning week.

Week 12

Specific Feedback: I asked for feedback from Mr. Vinod via Feedback and he said "Better option. Try More variations" for my second option.

Week 13

Specific Feedback: Mr. Vinod said that my initial design is very sleek. However, it lacks an idea. When I proceed to create another version of it, he gave me a sketch of an idea instead. I then continue with that sketch in mind. When I showed it, they said that the plastics should be either at the bottom or the whole page. 



Week 11

E-learning week.

Week 12

I realized that making a poster with just text its really hard because I tend to rely more on graphics elements and with the time ticking I definitely feel the pressure. Especially when I didn't really do much research during the e-learning week. As a result, after finishing the class, I went home and gather a bunch of references as well as binge-watching "The Futur" to gain exposure to what is considered a good poster.

Week 13

I was quite stressing because my posters are basically rejected when I Mr. Vinod sees the poster again. And due to that stress, ideas just won't come out. However, thanks to Mr. Vinod's idea I could find a way out of it.


Week 11

E-learning week.

Week 12

I realized that it is hard to create a whole new design concept when we already found one and have to make an entirely different one.

Week 13

I noticed that many of us are struggling with the color limit and how there is a limit to what extent we could use graphic elements.


Week 11

E-learning week.

Week 12

I found out that just by spending a whole day doing research and finding references really helps out. As we get more inspired and it cuts down all does time to stare at the computer thinking "what should I do?". The outcome of before and after is really staggering.

Week 13

I discovered that to create a poster which has an underlying meaning I need to just think of it as how I usually make an artwork, instead, of stressing on how the layout to look. In this way, ideas flow more easily.

Further Readings

Week 11

Creating Letters and Designing Typefaces by Bruce Willen and Nolan Strals


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